Venus USDT


Venus is the prime lending protocol on Binance Smart Chain. It secures over $700M in assets, mostly in BNB, BTC and stablecoins. The Venus USDT strategy essentially lends USDT to the Venus lending pool and earns interest in return.

Risk Level โ€” 'A'


The strategy earns yield based on demand for USDT liquidity paid by the borrowers on Venus, and therefore can be attributed to the real yield narrative.

Why invest?

The strategy benefits from elevated on-chain activity and can serve as a sustainable way to earn yield on USDT holdings.

Whatโ€™s inside?

User funds are converted into USDT and are deposited on Venus. Supplied USDT is used by the borrowers to take out loans against major crypto assets.

Safety Scoring

Simplicity - 5/5Longevity - 5/5Protocol safety - 4/5Overall score - 4.6/5

Strategy is easy to understand and execute. No leverage is involved. Losses are highly unlikely.

Strategy has been running since 2021 with no critical issues and no changes in code base

Utilized protocol has been audited by multiple firms, and had no exploits or hacks in the past. There is no ongoing Bug Bounty campaign.

Low risk

Last updated