Curve - crvUSD-USDC


The strategy utilizes crvUSD, an overcollateralized stablecoin issued by Curve and backed by ETH and Ethereum liquid staking derivatives. crvUSD uses an innovative liquidation mechanism to maintain the peg and prevent bad debt from accruing in the protocol.

Risk Level โ€” 'A'


Being backed by multiple liquid staking tokens, crvUSD can be related to the LST narrative, aiming to improve Ethereum staking composability and user experience.

Why invest

The strategy utilizes reliable protocols, as well as provides above-market returns, making it a perfect fit for investors looking to tap into increased stablecoin yields in exchange for providing liquidity for a fairly novel product.

Whatโ€™s inside

Funds are converted into crvUSD and USDC and are paired together in order to provide liquidity on Curve via Convex for additional rewards.

What makes it stand out

crvUSD is a novel product by Curve with a unique design, backed by some of the best collateral assets DeFi has to offer.

Safety Scoring

Simplicity - 5/5Longevity - 3/5Protocol safety - 4/5Overall score - 4/5

Strategy is easy to understand and execute. No leverage is involved. Losses are highly unlikely.

Strategy has been running for 1-4 months

Protocol contracts are audited/verified by at least two reputable audit firms. A multi-sig with an appropriate threshold is required and/or contracts are immutable.

Low risk

Last updated